材质经过特殊处理的热压后,当遇到强光(车灯、闪光灯)时会变成七彩渐变的反光色。此技术由永成集团自主开发。 经特殊处理,热压后的TPU材料当遇到强光(如:车灯或闪光灯),它会变成七彩的渐变反光色。 这项技术应用在鞋子和衣服上,可降低车祸发生率。同时,也具有时尚潮流感和个性特征。这一项新技术目前只有我们一家鞋材加工厂能做。 After special hot-pressing, when the TPU under bright light, such as car light or flashlight, it will shows various fluorescence colors. If this technology is used in shoes or clothes, it may reduce the traffic accident rate. At the same time, it shows fashion and personal style. We create this new technique, and nowadays, only we can do it. |